Seeds for Certain Success
As everyone knows, nothing is certain in life except taxes and death.
However, there are seeds you can sow that will reliably germinate and produce substantial annual plants in your garden that are worth growing year after year. These seeds are inexpensive and do not need any care. They are nature's high-tech solutions for your garden woes since all you have to do is "plug them into" the ground. That's it! You just walk away after that. In a few weeks, voila! A beautiful, colourful and easy care plant will thrive happily where there was none before.
These choice seeds for zone 5 are used as annuals in the Osgoode Public Garden:
- Four o'clock
- Datura
- Nasturtium
- Scarlet runner bean
- lavatera
- sunflower
- verbena bonariensis
Scarlet runner bean
verbena bonariensis